What are the 4 levels of cognitive impairment

What are the 4 levels of cognitive impairmentWhat are the 4 levels of cognitive impairment
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Cognitive impairment can be a daunting and frustrating experience, both for those who experience it and for their loved ones. However, there is hope. While medication is often prescribed to manage cognitive impairment, there are also natural treatments and prevention strategies that can help improve cognitive function. In fact, research has shown that some lifestyle changes and natural remedies can be just as effective, if not more so, than medication.To better understand cognitive impairment, it's important to recognize that it exists on a spectrum. There are four levels, ranging from mild to severe, each with its own unique set of symptoms and challenges. By understanding the different levels of cognitive impairment, we can better tailor our approach to treatment and prevention. In this article, we will explore the four levels of cognitive impairment and natural treatments which can help to prevent or delay cognitive decline.

Cognitive Impairment Video Summary

Key takeaways

  • Cognitive impairment can affect individuals of all ages, and there are four different levels of cognitive decline.
  • Chronic stress, poor sleep, and other lifestyle factors can contribute to cognitive degeneration, and there are natural approaches to help support cognitive health, including dietary changes, exercise, and high-quality supplements.
  • There are ongoing studies exploring various treatments for cognitive impairment, with promising results for interventions like cognitive training and supplements like omega-3 fatty acidsBrain Protect™, B vitamins, and vitamin D.
  • Cognitive decline and degeneration can have significant impacts on overall health and well-being, so it's important to take steps to support brain health and reduce the risk of cognitive impairment.
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Introduction to Cognitive Impairment

The Four Levels of Cognitive Impairment and their symptoms

Cognitive impairment exists on a spectrum, with various levels of severity. There are a few different systems that can be used to classify the severity of cognitive impairment. One of the most common systems classifies cognitive impairment into four different levels, ranging from no cognitive impairment to dementia [2].
No cognitive impairment:
  • People in this stage show normal performance on tests of memory and cognitive function.
  • In some cases, people in this stage may have some changes in the brain resulting from aging or from a disease process, but these are not yet causing noticeable impairment of brain function.
Subjective cognitive impairment (also known as subjective cognitive decline):
  • In this stage, which can also be known as subjective cognitive decline, there is some decline in cognitive abilities. However, the person is able to compensate for this, and continues to function well in their daily life. 
  • The affected person is usually aware that their cognitive abilities are declining, and they may experience anxiety about this.
  • This stage may occur due to the normal process of aging, or it may be the early stages of a disease process that could lead to dementia.
  • Some studies have shown that, worldwide, up to a quarter of all people over age 60 have subjective cognitive impairment [3].

Mild cognitive impairment:

  • In this stage, impairment of memory and cognition has progressed beyond what is normally expected as part of the aging process.
  • The affected person may forget names, misplace objects, and forget appointments more frequently than expected for those of their age. 
  • People with mild cognitive impairment are usually able to live independently, as long as they’re in a familiar environment and are using skills that they’ve learned very well (such as shopping, cooking, and driving to familiar places). However, they may struggle if they encounter new situations, because they have difficulty solving problems and learning new information.
  • This stage may progress over time. However, not everyone with mild cognitive impairment will go on to develop dementia.


  • In cases of severe cognitive impairment, the person can be diagnosed with dementia.
  • People with dementia have trouble with the daily tasks of living, even when they’re in a familiar environment.
  • In the advanced stages, people with dementia may lose even basic cognitive functions, such as the ability to communicate through language and to recognize loved ones.
It's important to remember that the symptoms of cognitive impairment can vary widely between individuals and can be caused by a variety of factors, including injury, illness, or the natural aging  process. If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms, it's important to seek medical attention to identify the underlying cause and begin any treatment that you and your doctor decide is appropriate. Cognitive impairment may not always be obvious, especially in the early stages. Studies have shown that doctors are unaware of cognitive impairment in more than 40% of patients who have it [4], so it’s very important to bring up your concerns rather than to assume that your doctor will notice any issues.

Causes and Risk Factors of Cognitive Degeneration

Current Studies of Cognitive Impairment Symptoms & Treatments

Health implications of cognitive decline & degeneration

Natural Treatments for cognitive Impairment Dysfunction

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