Can CBD Help with Essential Tremors? Dosage Guidelines

Can CBD Help with Essential Tremors? Dosage GuidelinesCan CBD Help with Essential Tremors? Dosage Guidelines
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Video Insight: Does CBD Oil Truly Alleviate Essential Tremors?

Key takeaways

  • Essential tremor is a common condition that usually affects the hands and arms, but can also affect the face and voice.
  • In the nervous system, endocannabinoids are natural substances that help to control movements, among many other functions. Cannabinoids, found in cannabis, mimic the effects of endocannabinoids.
  • Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a cannabinoid that does not cause psychological effects.
  • Small studies have shown beneficial effects of CBD on symptoms of essential tremor when taken consistently, although administration of a single dose seems to have no effect.
  • Although many personal stories report dramatic improvements, more empirical research is needed before it can be definitively concluded that CBD is beneficial for those with essential tremor.
  • For those who wish to try this option, it’s generally recommended to start at a low dose and gradually increase it until an effect is seen.
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